Smudging Your Home For Prosperity, Health and Protection

Smudging Your Home For Prosperity, Health and Protection

I’ve started a little ritual each night since the beginning of the new year and it’s helped me release some anxiety and gain appreciation for all the blessings in my life. While I’ve practiced this ritual before, this time I’ve become very intentional with it, and for me, it’s making all the difference. The results have brought a new clarity and tranquility to my daily life.

The ritual I’m talking about is smudging. If you’re not familiar with smudging it’s traditionally a ceremony for purifying or cleansing yourself or your space of negative thoughts and negative energy. People smudge for a variety of reasons and in a variety of different ways. Here are some simple steps to help you smudge and be on your way to good vibes:

Clear Out Your Space

The purpose of smudging is to clear out negative energy and get clarity so it would make sense to declutter and start your smudging ritual with a clean space.

I like to make sure my home is clean and tidy, free of clutter and of course- smell nice, before I begin smudging. Since I started smudging at night before I go to bed, it’s helped me keep the house extra clean knowing that I want to smudge later in the day.

Smudge with Intention

Before you begin smudging, get clear on your intention. Is there something in your life that you need guidance and clarity on? Is there something weighing you down? What goals do you have that you’d like to bring into fruition? By focusing on the things we want to bring into our life, by default you are drawing out all the negative energy. I like to use this time to pray over my family and my home while appreciating all the blessings I already have. This is also a great time to practice positive affirmations, meditate or simply count your blessings. Whatever higher power you call upon, this is the perfect time to connect.

There’s no Right or Wrong Way

When it comes to the correct way to smudge , there is no right or wrong way. Find a practice and ritual that works for you and focus on concentrating your thoughts on you; your goals, your prayers, your affirmations and the things you want for your life.

I think smudge kits and smudging products make a great gift, especially for a housewarming. If you’re interested in smudging, check out some of these products below:

Do you smudge your home? What are some things you focus on while smudging?

Not Without My Coffee- Smudging Your Home

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