Angelica Sereda

7 Ways To Simplify For The New Year

Angelica Sereda
7  Ways To Simplify For The New Year

If you've hung around here for any amount of time you'll know that I like to keep things simple but as much as I like to think I have everything under control, I'm always looking for new ways to simplify even more. I'm quite addicted to it and it's these little habits that add up to a lot- a lot less unnecessary stress that I need to deal with. The new year is the perfect time to reflect on what works and what needs to stay back. 

Here are 7 ways you can simplify as you go into the new year:

Declutter Your Space 

Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed with my surroundings, I take a few minutes to tidy up and declutter- that means not only putting things away butthrowing things away. I only have one child in school currently and you wouldn't believe the amount of paper that comes in through my house. I'm scared to think of what it'll be like with all the 3 kids in school! As tedious as it is, staying on top of decluttering helps me keep things simplified (and sane).

Go Paperless 

I hardly receive any mail at home any more and that's just the way I like. Hey, no news is good news, right? All my bills are sent via email. Whatever I can setup through an online newsletter or in a paperless format, I do.

Reflect On What's Working and What Isn't 

How often do we do things just because "that's how it's always been done" without giving it much thought and figuring out whether it's working or not. That's a sure way to waste time and complicate things for no good reason.  Evaluate what things in your life are working and deserve to be promoted into the new year.

Do a Digital Purge 

About once a month I try to sort through my email, apps and computers to streamline my digital life. Whether it's unsubscribing from newsletters I'm no longer interested in, organizing photos, deleting apps or cleaning up my social media accounts. Make sure your digital "feed" is actually feeding you.  Mental clutter is just as bad as physical clutter.

Let Go of the Past 

Just as you'd get rid of physical junk that's holding you down, it's important to let go of any past hurts. What past resentment are you holding onto? What conversations need to be had so you can move on?  Let things go so you don't feel weighed down.

Sell Or Donate Your Junk 

Your trash could most certainly be someone else's treasure. I signed up with a local service in my neighborhood that schedules a pick up about once a month for your unwanted "junk." They donate the items to those who could use them. Knowing that my stuff is going to someone in need motivates me to declutter. Or, maybe you prefer to sell it and make a few extra bucks.  Either way, there's no reason to hold onto stuff that you no longer have any use for.

Decide To Be More Intentional 

Before you start filling up your new year calendar with meetings and events, take some time to think about what it is you're saying yes to. Don't schedule meetings you don't want to be a part of. Say no to an event that you know would be a waste of your time. Be more intentional with how you spend your time, it's your most valuable asset.

How do you plan to simplify your life for the new year?