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A Batgirl Halloween

Last week my mother sent the girls their Halloween costumes and they were excited to find out she had picked out matching Batman, eh, Batgirl costumes for them. They’re adorable! Even Baby Lucia got a Batgirl onesie

We don’t have any plans for Halloween this year besides trick or treating since the girls have all been sick within the past two weeks (fun times). Olivia will be having a costume parade at school today so she’ll get to wear her costume twice, although, the day after she got it she woke up and begged me to let her try it on.

It’ll be our first Halloween in Florida so I’m looking forward to see how Floridians do Halloween down here. Not going to lie; it’s nice celebrating Halloween in warm weather, and weird at the same time. New Yorkers love their Fall weather, and I’m definitely no exception, but this will be a nice change.

I decided to get the girls dressed up and have a fun little photo shoot around the house and, much to my surprise, they were not feeling it. I even bribed them with letting them wear a little makeup (that helped some) but they were still in a mood. I did manage to get some shots though.

Olivia asked me if I could have any superpower, what would it be? I told her that I would love to be able to fly. She told me that her superpower would be blowing glitter dust into bad guys’ eyes. You can’t get any more Batgirl than that!